May 27, 2014

A Breakdown of Kimye's InsaneWedding Costs

Ok, everyone knew it was going to be expensive. Designer dresses, fancy dinners, and private planes aren’t cheap, but who had any idea that Kimye’s wedding would cost millions, millions of dollars? I can’t even afford to buy toothpaste sometimes (dark days for everyone) and Kim and Kanye are dropping beaucoup —that’s french for way too much — bucks on the biggest event of the century (according to Kanye and no one else). People broke down the couple’s costs and let’s just say that it’s enough to buy a small country. Here are just some things that cost more than your first car (and probably the one you’re driving right now as well, let’s be real): Hotel: Luxury accommodations that ran $750-850 a night for upward of 200 guests. That’s $500,000 right there. Celebrities Doing Things! Bachelorette party at one of Paris’ top restaurants: $4,100 Getting Lana Del Rey to sing at the rehearsal: Hella money. You know she doesn’t stand and sway for free. Transportation: 70,000 Hair and makeup for 200 guests: $65,000 Venue: A steal at 409,000. (That’s for a rental, everyone. They weren’t buying!) Rare flowers: 136,000 Food: Let’s just say the chefs came from a restaurant where a bowl of spaghetti can cost you $100. What are you doing to that poor pasta to make it so expensive? Couture: $500,000 Getting married in front of 200 of your closest friends and family members: Priceless (minus about $200,000 because Beyonce couldn’t make it). Total: An estimated $1,684,100...Hold on, I need to go lie down. Could someone get me a damn croissant?

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