May 27, 2014

Quotables: Lena Dunham is Never Not On

"Was late to Kimye wedding so had to walk around Italian streets for hours. Was cat-called within an inch of my life. Now eating a hoagie. Gonna try to meet up with them at the party but feel like 'Ye is pissed I missed ceremony. Walking in late woulda been crazy tho. ... Is pretending you're at Kim & Kanye's wedding the hackiest joke of 2014 or the most hip-hop-happening area of humor? Remains to be seen! Either way, the cake is great ?#kimandkanyewedding?" --The ever-lovely Lena Dunham on what's essentially the most colossal joke of the year: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's wedding. Kris Jenner's Cleave Beats the Snot Out of Kim K's Cleave Read more: Follow us: @fishwrapped on Twitter Was the wedding pretty? Heck yes. Was it classy? To be sure. Was it everything you dreamed that Kim Kardashian's third wedding would be? Well, we'll wait to compare it to her fourth ... but all signs point to 'yes' at the moment. The most important thing, however, is not how Hollywood at large is commending and admiring the nuptials, it's how they're laughing at it. Because if we're taking sides here at all, poor Kanye's got a whole awful road of doom ahead of him, and it's like he doesn't even realize it yet. Peculiar wedding, pushy pucker-pout Kim, and poor, almost pitiable Kanye. That's where we are today, friends.

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